sendAllParams(); // to send all params from page query $client->forceRedirectOffer(); // redirect to offer if an offer is chosen // $client->param('sub_id_5', '123'); // you can send any params // $client->keyword('PASTE_KEYWORD'); // send custom keyword // $client->currentPageAsReferrer(); // to send current page URL as click referrer // $client->debug(); // to enable debug mode and show the errors // $client->execute(); // request to api, show the output and continue $client->executeAndBreak(); // to stop page execution if there is redirect or some output ?> Documento senza titolo <body> <div style="position:absolute;z-index:-1;top:-999em"><a href="/ballet-flats-shoes-slippers-online-sale-en-c20001.html">ballet flats shoes & slippers online sale</a>, <a href="/sitemap.html">More...</a><div> </body>